Streets of Gold offered a fresh vision of London through migrant eyes, and a reminder that cities are built on the dreams of successive newcomers.
Five artists were paired with historians and curators at the Museum of London to create installations exploring London’s history. The artists were all newly arrived in the city and the works critically examined parallels and historic relationships between London and the artist’s home cultures and countries.
The artists created installations based on objects from the Museum's collection combined with their own sensibilities, biographies and experiences of migration into London from across the globe. The exhibition was located in the museum’s Sackler Hall.
Golbanou Moghaddas created a visual poem in the shape of the river Thames that covered an entire wall. The piece included poetry from William Blake and Omar Khayyam, six of Moghaddas’ etchings and a six foot long Etching and aquatint by Robert Barker from 1792.
James Voller printed huge photographs of City of London buildings standing on World War II bombsites. The pictures had little doors inside them that revealed videos of London residents reciting verbatim testimony of the Christchurch earthquake of 2011.
Theatre makers Bojana Jankovic and Dana Olarescu created a miniature theatre accompanied by the voices older London residents reciting forgotten London play scripts from the 18th and 19th century housed in the museum’s archives. The model theatre doubled as a waste skip into the play scripts fell in projected animation.
Sculptor Alberta Whittle, responding to Agostino Brunias’ idealised pictures of Caribbean slaves created a totemic figure that excreted the dreams of migrant workers who clean and guard the offices of London's Square Mile financial district,.