The Nuclear Train began as a short story by novelist James Flint, published in his collection Soft Apocalypse.
The narrative is inspired by the extra heavy rail cars carrying nuclear waste, that still rumble through the heart of London each week. In the film, James is traumatised by these trains that shake the fabric of his home at night. He comes to believe that they are the cause of his daughter Martha’s disability. In reaction to his torments James runs away from his family and enters a dreamscape London. As the city tears at the seams, James is haunted by memories of Martha.
The film was developed in close collaboration, with writer and director working together to produce a new script and visual language. The project is in some way a dystopian portrait of London, with the base layer of the film being a one week shoot on location, in Deptford, Clapham and Canary Wharf. This was followed by months of digital image manipulation and animation.